As many of you may know I actively engage in co-creating my life using tools such as Wish Lists (aka Cosmic Orders) and Vision Boards. I might also add that this is something I have been doing for many, many years. I have used knowledge of manifesting to bring people, objects and situations into my life on a regular basis and the more I practice it the better I seem to get at it, so I know this works!

Here, for those of you who haven't already read about any of my manifesting successes, is the latest noteworthy example........

In the summer I took a very last minute holiday. Before I left, in a totally unrelated act, I made a short video showing examples of how one might use a Vision Board. I picked out a picture of a beach and of a hotel room, to accompany the on screen affirmation in that video which stated 'All my holidays are luxurious'.

Now I must point out here that on this occasion I was not trying to manifest, I was simply showing an example Vision Board and it wasn't the personal one that I have as my screensaver. However, I was forgetting that the 'Universal Mind' makes no distinction so, when I wrote the words 'I' in those affirmations, the Universe instantly set to work to move these pictures into my reality - whether I was co-creating it or not.

At the top of the page the second picture is the one that I put on my video. Just over one week later the picture at the top is what showed up. Now because I hadn't 'requested' anything I wasn't looking for coincidences or similarities. It was only when I returned home and was browsing through my photo's that I thought 'Isn't this like that picture I put up on my video?'

When I sought the original picture out I also noticed the rock was in an almost identical position. Quite obviously, there are differences, but the similarities are too great to ignore. With regard to the beach, due to the time of day and the quality of the light it doesn't look as white, or the sea as blue - although I recall to our eyes it did. The greenery was just out of shot but look at the shape of the rock formation!

This wasn't a one off either. Below, in the second picture, you will see the picture of the hotel bedroom that I chose for the example Vision Board. Now at first glance the shot of our actual hotel bedroom, at the top, only has very vague similarities. But look more closely. The bed had the same twisted posts at one end (look carefully at the back of the picture on the left and you'll see). The valance and covers were the same colour, as was the picture on the wall - except it is not visible in this shot. The walls are the same colour. The chaise longue (under the lamp) is exactly the same as the one under the lamp in the vision board picture, albeit a different colour.

As for the view out of the window; in this shot, due to the angle of the room, it will appear to you that we were looking at another building. In actual fact we were high up and all the rooms are built on an angle. If you stood nearer the bed all you could see from the room across the terrace, was the tops of palm trees and sea in the distance - similar to the picture.

This is the reality of manifesting. With vast concepts like people, or places, or conditions you rarely get a 100% perfect match(although with items you certainly can). What you can achieve are incredible similarities. Usually, I would have been quite happy with this outcome and seen it as my request being fulfilled but remember I wasn't asking for this to show up!

These coincidences manifested just from repeatedly looking at the images as I compiled the video. In fact if I had have been consciously manifesting I would probably have written and spoken the 'request' too.

Although it leaves you feeling a little silly to speak to no-one, the conversation would have probably gone something like this 'I now manifest a hotel room with big double bed with crisp white linen and a blue valance - one of those beds with posters in turned wood. I'd like double doors out onto a balcony overlooking the sea, lovely natural decor, a chaise longue and mahogany furniture'

If I had been totally specific about the patio doors being 25 ft wide and made of pine coloured wood, and the bed having four posters not two - that's probably what I would have got. It seems that the way manifesting works is via the messages you send across the airwaves via your thoughts, words AND a basic negative image of what your eyes are registering.

Thought, Word, Deed or Ask, Believe and Receive.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by putting this practice to work for you. What better time to start than this Christmas time? You don't need to tell anyone you're doing it, in fact it is probably best not to as the negativity from others brings your vibrational power lines down.

If you are already doubting and thoughts are running thorugh your mind as you read this such as ' Ah yes but you can find that shape rock formation all over the globe' or 'She'd probably seen a picture of her hotel's bedrooms and subconsciously stored it away', I wouldn't even begin to try - you are coming from a place of doubt before you begin.

However, whatever your thoughts take note. The movement of Pluto into Capricorn in 2008 for the next 17 years is the start of a huge transformation in peoples understanding of the Laws that govern our physical reality. If you want to be one step ahead of the crowd, I wholeheartedly recommend you embrace Cosmic Ordering and Law of Attraction techniques now and for more information and tips on how to successfully manifest, you can visit my blog Cosmic Ordering (This link takes you to my last entry and as all the entries post on top of each other you may have to click home and scroll down).

For now, I'll leave you with a quote from Theodore Roethke:

What we need is more people who specialise in the impossible.

Happy Manifesting

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PS The book The Secret is a great gift for every adult at Christmas time, as is a VisionBoard