JUPITER/PLUTO - A New 13 year Cycle

On December 11th at 19.26GMT, the giant planet Jupiter, natural ruler of the sign of Pisces and Sagittarius will conjoin with the power planet, Pluto. Pluto is the designated ruler of Scorpio, as such it relates to power and to profound change and transformation.

Death is a transformation - literally changing our 'form'. Birth is also viewed as a transformation, as the soul moves from the spiritual plane into the physical vehicle. There is another type of transformation that one can experience though. This one occurs during life and is brought about via conscious attempts at becoming aware of the unconscious. In this action one comes to understand their true personal power.

Let me explain further. Pisces is known as the Universal Solvent. Why? Because in the water sign of Cancer feeling and sensation are awakened, in Scorpio they are concentrated and intensified but in Pisces it is believed they are turned into pure emotion. This energy can then be transmuted into heightened feeling and intuition i.e. psychic ability - the power to pierce the veil between the known and unknown.

Jupiter is also the ruler of Sagittarius, a sign which is concerned with the broader picture, the Universe within and without. Astrologer Alan Leo suggested that Sagittarius corresponds to the passage of consciousness from one state to another. In this respect we can see that Jupiter and Pluto coming together in Sag can speak of a moment pregnant with possibility for a huge spiritual transition, or a leap in consciousness.

Whilst inevitably some Pisceans and Sagittarians and Scorpio's will be either arriving, giving birth or leaving the physical plane this month, the push towards a shift in consciousness will affect us all. What we can be sure of when these two planets meet, is that the changes are of a large magnitude and of great consequence.The fact that this conjunction is also aligning with the Galactic Centre is of tremendous significance. It speaks of the opening of a portal - one that allows a new wave of energy to pulse out to us all. I suspect most of you reading this are already feeling that time seems to be speeding up. This is our vibrational field responding to these new forces.

Additionally shortly after this conjunction, Jupiter and Pluto will be moving into a new sign - that of Capricorn. This speaks of a juncture for assimilating what the cycle has taught us, moving on with that knowledge and either totally leaving a phase of our personal history behind, or actively structuring that information for use in our material/physical lives. For example many of us have learned over the last 13 years about the ephemeral value of fame (via the overexposure of celebrities) the ephemeral value of Property (via the housing markets soaring then turning) the ephemeral nature of beauty (via everyone looking the same with plastic surgery and Botox ) the ephemeral value of our natural resources (via global warming) etc. We've also learned to become more circumspect about people in authority and we no longer give them the deference we used to.

All this is causing a shift in focus away from dancing to the tune of 'superiors'. It's slowing down the endless rat-race quest to attain all the trappings of status and moving us towards a realisation of our individual power. We are looking at what brings true fulfillment and what will be of lasting value, in the eyes of others, about us as an individual when we come to leave this life.

As mentioned many times on my site(s), our lives are governed by interweaving cycles and inherent perfection. Understanding that all events have a natural order can help people to feel more empowered when faced with times of stress or upheaval. If you imagine life as a series of circles connected like spirals on a gyroscope you will realise that, rather than time being linear, we are on an infinite series of cyclical journeys into and away from source.

Trace your finger around any spiral and you will notice that each time you appear to have arrived back at the same place you have actually moved on. Therefore cultivate an attitude of observance and awareness - become the watcher of the watcher. Study what has gone before in your life, or for your loved ones and this will help you to anticipate the future.

What you may find helpful is to look back to the beginning of this Jupiter/Pluto cycle. The chances are that whatever began at that time is now either leaving your life or transitioning. This cycle began on December 2nd 1994. If this doesn't trigger any particular memories, we can also look to the years that the two planets formed other important aspects in their perpetually unfolding cycle. The dates are: 2000-2001, August 2004, December 2005. May and July 2006.These dates may jolt your memory but remember you are looking for something that began, or had its roots planted, in late 1994 early 1995.

If we look back even further the previous Jupiter/Pluto cycles began in 1981 then 1968, then 1955 and 1943, 1931 and 1918. I can immediately see connections with major World events when looking at those dates, can you?

Leopards don't change their spots but the human condition is that most people do try to change. However, the journey of evolvement is not necessarily limited to one lifetime and for all but the most enlightened ( who eventually remain in spirit) our vibrational energy keeps pulling towards us exactly the situations and people who seem to be preventing us from changing and who test us the most. Have you ever noticed that the same situations and people seem to keep appearing in your life - albeit in different guises? Each Jupiter/Pluto cycle repeats a theme of power, whatever that phrase means to you. To one person power may mean how many people they manage in their job, or how much money they earn. To others it speaks of how empowered they feel in the face of these tests, more colloquially known as life's trials and tribulations.

Jupiter/Pluto cycles also bring issues to the fore that bring you face to face with your moral code and faith. Not necessarily faith in the religious sense but faith and trust in life as a positive process. Each time we reach the link to the next level of one cycle - which astrologically is at the conjunction point (11th Dec 2007) we have the opportunity to digest what we have gone through from a slightly higher perspective and grow from the experience.

Some astrologers view each cycle as a complete lesson. When we truly 'get' the lesson we can move up into the next class and our vibrational frequency is upped a little more as we move towards en-light-enment. If you don't truly integrate the message, each transition will be fraught with stress and you may have to go over it all again.That's where your free will comes in. What do you choose? To accept, learn and grow or to fight, resist and repeat?

Look again at those Jupiter/Pluto dates and, if you are old enough, ask yourself what situation around personal power and values is repeating itself now? Have you learned the lessons from previous cycles? Knowing what went before, would you consciously choose the same reactions and path again?

On the mundane level I notice many of these dates coincide with times of War. This time around as Jupiter and Pluto move into Capricorn, we may have more sway over the decisions taken by those in corridors of power, because as each of us as an individual become more honest with ourselves, we collectively demand it from others.

This Dec 11th Jupiter/Pluto cycle can act quiet literally to bring Pisces, Saggies and Scorpio's (or countries ruled by these signs) together, to move forward the dynamic between them. For example if a Scorpio and Sagittarian married in late 1994 one would be looking for a significant change in that partnership right now, whether that be through death, a birth or just a new understanding and more truth. If you have been working for a company since around Dec 1994 or the business was formed around this time, it is highly likely that your association with that company is undergoing a profound transition. These things don't just happen arbitrarily. It's for you to find the lesson and growth potential in whatever change you have got yourself caught up in or unconsciously instigated - remember others are only reflecting where you are at.

Seize the day and aim to make 2008 your best year yet, because what you implement now at this Jupiter/Pluto conjunction will set the scene for the next 13 years of your life. Try and use the Piscean/Jupiter energies to truly label what you believe in as a Spiritual being and bring that into form, perhaps through becoming consciously aware on a daily basis of your hitherto unconscious motivations, energies and reactions.

As our planet passes by the Black Hole at the centre of our Galaxy try to reconnect to your personal power source. Do so in complete faith that, in this Universe of perfect order, whatever life is pulling you towards is probably where you most need to be.