Since the worldwide success of the film The Secret, many people are familiar with the term 'Law of Attraction'. If this has passed you by here's a short and sweet synopsis; the phrase is understood to mean that each of our thoughts correspond to a vibrational frequency. Simply by altering our thoughts it is possible to alter the energy that we are pulsating out into the ethers and thus to 'attract' events, and people who are entrained or 'tuned' to that vibrational frequency.

Obviously the Law of Attraction can work both ways; one can become very negative and lo and behold our world suddenly becomes full of irritating, angry, negative people. If we are feeling happy and positive however, we find we can attract more of the same. For this reason the law is also known as The Law of Sympathy. We attract events in sympathy with our mindset.

Even if you don't yet consciously practice using this law, many of you will have seen it at work in your lives. For example, when we think of someone and they suddenly call on the phone or we bump into them unexpectedly. Or when the perfect gift or person shows up and we remark 'That's exactly what I had in mind'- that's the magic of vibrational entrainment at work.

We also see the law at work when we are late for an appointment. Our natural inclination is to keep repeating in our head, 'I'm late, I'm going to be late' and invariably we meet every red light and possible obstruction to progress and we are indeed late. If we invoke the law however and immediately replace those negative thoughts with positive ones like;' I'm late leaving but circumstances will arise to get me there on time', you'll be amazed how time will appear to stand still and allow you to get where you are going with the minimum of delay.

So, part of 'the secret' to living the life one desires is to harness the energies that one is transmitting. By consciously directing our thoughts towards the particular outcome we wish to achieve, we can literally pull that event, person or object into our life. The more energy we put into the process by using all of our senses (I use VisionBoards for this) the more quickly the results manifest in your life. Manifesting using the Law of Vibration works and I urge you to try it.

In that previous paragraph I alluded to the fact that there is more to the secret and there is. What many of the teachers of this Law are failing to impart- and many don't even understand- is that The Law of Attraction does not apply solely to your thought processes.

It must be understood that everything in the Universe is energy. Light, sound, heat, magnetism, color, and electrical energies are all different forms of one source of energy and they differ in manifestation only in the rate of vibration. All matter is simply energy condensed into form. This includes the clothes you put on your body, the food you put in your body and indeed anything you have contact with. As energy expresses itself to our sense of sight as a colour the metaphysically aware can tell something about the nature of an energy simply by noting its colour. This can extend to an intuitive and learned practitioner being able to assess the psyche of their clients simply by noting the colour combination of clothing they have chosen to wear.

So, if you really want to use the Universal Laws for maximum effect, then you must have an understanding of colour and where each shade falls on the vibrational scale that we call the Electro Magnetic Spectrum (see top of page). You must also strive to understand what you are 'giving out' in terms of colour and frequency and therefore what you are likely to attract back. We do this by an understanding of correspondence, or the sympathies, in the Universe.


“The predominant thought or mental attitude is the magnet, and the law is that like attracts like, consequently, the mental attitude will invariably attract such conditions as correspond to its nature” Charles Haanel.

To know the 'sympathies' of an object or situation or even a condition such as restoration of health I need to explain a little more about the colour spectrum so you can see how correspondences arise.

One of the easiest ways that I know to explain is if I take you back to your school days. Do you remember doing that test with a bit of Litmus Paper? You dipped the paper into various solutions then had to record what colour the solution caused the paper to turn. When dipped into an acid solution it turned towards the red or yellows, dipped into an alkaline solution it turned more blue. When the solution was neutral (perfectly balanced) it was green. This relates to the colour spectrum too. Red/Orange/Yellow are therefore acidic colours and Blue/Purple/Magentas at the opposite end are alkaline.

Click to enlarge

Opposite ends of any scale are known as polarities and these extremes exist in everything in life.The Chinese refer to these dualities as Yin and Yang. Some of the most common polarities inherent in the Universe are:


Each of these concepts has correspondence with one end of the colour spectrum which is composed of 7 primary colours:

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue Indigo and Violet.

Green is the neutral or balancing colour as it is in the middle.

The polarities and colours also have correspondence to each of the 7 traditional planets Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and to the 7 musical notes in a standard scale. It is also intriguing to note that pure distilled water has a neutral PH value of 7. Here's what Hippocrates, Father of Medicine had to say about the number seven:

"The number seven, because of its occult virtues, tends to bring all things into being. It is the dispenser of life and the source of all change. For the moon itself changes its phases every seven days. This number influences all sublunar things."

Perhaps then water with a PH 7 really is the elixir of life and for sure many people believe disease would not be so prevalent if we drank more pure water. However I digress, here is how the 7 planets, colours and musical notes relate to each other:

G=Blue= Venus

The main way that we use colour therapy with the Law of Attraction/Sympathy is by looking at the scale of tones on the linear spectrum (or within the round colour wheel) and understanding their sympathies and antipathies (correspondences and polarities) and to do that we need to expand on what is above. You don't really even need to be an expert in metaphysics or astrology to judge many of the correspondences. Their qualities can be seen all around us in nature. Let's take the first colour on the spectrum list above and add to it.

Red is the colour of fire. It is hot and expansive, it's corrosive as it eats or devours things and moves very fast. We can therefore say:

C=Red=Mars=Hot=Expansive=Acidic=Positive= Yang=Magnetic

We also know that Mars is the God of War. So, we know Mars is a masculine planet and is concerned with aggression, assertion and action. People usually fight with their physical body or weapons and we have learned from ancient literature about alchemy that Mars has a correspondence to Iron. Weapons forged in heat extends to guns and swords and implements that are wielded by, and attack, the physical body such as scalpels, needles etc. Oxygenated corpuscles in the blood are red in colour and so we add blood and red cells to the list. Red is a hot colour and aggression is an inflammatory act, we therefore equate the colour red and the planet Mars to fever, heat, inflammation. The French word for Tuesday also comes from the root; Mardi (Mars) and in numerology the number 9 equates to Mars. So, as you can see our list is building:

C=Red=Mars=Hot=Expansive=Acidic=Positive=Yang=Iron=Aggression=Cuts= Blood(red blood) cells= Tuesday= Number 9= names such as Martin (from the root Mars) =hot spices such as Ginger= red gems such as Rubies and so on and so forth

The trick to correctly determining what correspondences each colour and planet hold lies in a thorough study of mythology and symbolism as handed down over the centuries. Nowadays one can bypass having to absorb the lessons taught to initiates in the Mystery Schools by purchasing many of the books available on correspondence such as The Planets and Human Behaviour by Jeff Mayo, Astrological Thesaurus & Keywords by Michael Munkasey and Keywords by Manly P. Hall. These books allow you to quickly ascertain the correspondences of virtually anything in the Universe as does a thorough understanding of astrology!

Unfortunately though, it should be pointed out at this juncture that some of the esoteric wisdom has been distorted, or occulted (hidden) over the ages and with the best will in the world some contradictions arise. There are modern day practitioners of Colour Therapy and even some astrology books which tell us that red is an alkaline colour and electric in nature which is obviously not so. However to the serious student it is understood that within all colours is also their polar opposite, so it can be seen where the confusion arises. When choosing books or websites it is therefore advisable to look for those written by people with a firm grounding in the esoteric sciences, such as alchemy, numerology and astrology. I list some sites at the bottom of the page. I would also advise a reading of Message of The Stars by Max Heindel which can be accessed from my newsletter.

One final way to gain clues is to note the way colour has infiltrated our language: 'He was Red with rage'. 'She had a severe case of the Blues' (note this would be blue with black i.e dark blue) ' He was so ill he had gone Puce' ' She was Green with envy' (Green with black i.e dark green) etc., etc.


So, we can use the colour spectrum in conjunction with the Law of Attraction to assess what colours to wear to attract people and situations of a vibration that corresponds to the desire we are seeking to have fulfilled. We can also attempt to raise our vibration to match that of the higher frequencies in the blue and purple side of the scale.

For example if you were planning a dinner party where you want to have fun, light banter with spiritually minded people and an harmonious atmosphere you should definitely avoid attracting too much of its antithesis - the Mars vibration. So, easy on the rock music, no red walls, napkins or candles, white wine instead of red, desert wines instead of port, and definitely no red hot chilli peppers or ginger in the food. I'd also avoid a table populated by Aries males and holding your party on a Tuesday the 9th!

By showing you the negative uses one can see the positive. If you are single woman and have set your heart on attracting a red blooded, virile male perhaps wearing red on a Tuesday the 9th and heading out to a gym called Pumping Iron where there is loud rock music thumping out would do the trick!

In all seriousness though, understanding colour vibration can also help us to get ahead in our everyday life. It is particularly important in the decoration of a home and in the colours you choose for your Website or book cover. It's also crucial when 'selling' yourself at an interview or maybe even when you want to win a contract.

One needs to understand what type of people would be drawn to colours at this each end of the spectrum i.e Red= more volatile, passionate, magnetic fiery people with an animal like nature. Blue = Calmer, cooler more cerebral people who vibrate to a higher frequency. Yellow = Communicators, advertising, books etc

Musical note E=Yellow=planet Mercury (The Winged Messenger and Hermes)=Communication=Books=Commerce =Merchants =Number 5 = sign Gemini = Air =Mental ability=Left hand= lungs=Grapefruit= Lemons = weakly Acid=Positive = Masculine= Wednesday

The Psychology of Yellow
Yellow is the brightest colour of the spectrum. It is the colour of the scientist; it unravels and reveals, leaving no stone unturned. The yellow personality is no good at pacing itself. It loves new ideas, but needs to get its priorities right. Yellow has no hesitation - it decides quickly and acts immediately. Its favourite pastime is networking, being the greatest communicator. Journalists and entertainers are found under yellow. When something is revealed to a yellow person, they immediately store it away for future reference. Yellows are brilliant at making a quick fortune, but not so good at hanging on to it. Yellow despises pettiness. It always broadcasts a feeling of well-being. Yellow people are sunny and willing unless thwarted, when they can become acid and sharp-tongued.

Knowing your correspondences can also be useful information when we are choosing colour as an attractor and a repellent. If we want to invite a warm and friendly response from people then we might add some toned down reds in the form of pinks to our clothing. Everyone talks to the person wearing pink. If you want to be seen as stable then earthy browns can work. Someone who is control freak is more likely to choose black and white, the absorber and reflector 'colours' at the extremes of the spectrum.

When I choose the background colour for my VisionBoard, I feel red would be too strong, brown too dull and pink too cutsy, so I use orange as it has enough red and warmth in it to be a magnetic attractor colour, but not too much to be overwhelming. Orange is known as the colour of prosperity and the company who makes my VisionBoard is known as Orange Peel. I must find out if they chose the name intuitively.

Prosperity Coach Catherine Ponder recommends the following for Vision Boards:

Green or Gold - job or career success and money
Yellow or White - increased spiritual understanding
Blue - intellectual accomplishments
Orange - for a more vital life
Pink, Rose or Warm Red - love, harmony happiness in relationships and marriage

Overall though choosing colour requires a trained specialist in Colour Therapy. There are lots of colour combinations so you need someone with a thorough knowledge of the tones, shades and tints and an understanding of esoteric literature. I have provided some interesting links towards the bottom of the page.

The seven planets and the seven primary colour rays Red, Orange, Yellow, Green Blue, Indigo, Violet must vibrate harmoniously and rhythmically throughout the entire being in order to keep one in optimum health, spiritually and physically.

If we think of each cell as having a vibration that allows it to integrate in an harmonious way with the entire 'symphony' of the body, then a cell which is diseased is sounding a discordant note. It is therefore believed that if one seeks to alter the vibrational frequency of the discordant cells this will bring the diseased cells back into resonance and restore harmony. As already mentioned, we can do this by ingesting foods of a certain colour, wearing clothes of a certain colour and even listening to music of a particular 'colour wavelength'.

Green is the natural balancer of the spectrum and many of us feel palpable and instant relief from stress when surrounded by green fields and trees. Herbalists make use of the green herbs and coloured flowers in nature and administer them according to their correspondence and sympathy to certain conditions and parts of the body, as noted by the ancients. This is a highly specialised art and under no circumstances should anyone attempt to self administer powerful herbal concoctions. As an alternative or adjunct to western medicine, and under the guidance of an qualified dispenser, herbs can be extremely powerful and restorative.

Medical Astrologers such as Dylan Warren-Davis understand nature's correspondences and choose specific herbs, administered at specific times in order to help the body to heal itself. You can read an article by Dylan about healing here

Colour used judiciously can assist medical potions to work their magic especially in treating common childhood problems. For example, if we wish to bring calm to hyperactive children we should be mindful of the colour on their walls, in their clothing and on their bedspreads. Soft green and violet will help. Soft pale clear pink should be used for bedwetters. Strong pink or cerise will draw friendships while Sun Golds will help release mental stress. Orange and Indigo are good if there has been a divorce* . You can encourage children to obtain the vibrations in any way, shape or form, one example would be to eat more carrots and oranges.

If you, or your child, have to wear a uniform and the colour is not conducive to the vibration you are seeking you can apply colour to the body in the form of underwear or hidden jewelry. You can also solarize water for packed lunches by wrapping the appropriate colour cellophane around it and allowing it to stand in the Sun - everything helps.

Here is what astrologer Raphael has to say about colour healing in 1910 in his book Raphael's Medical Astrology:

Recent investigations in the domain of colours by foreign scientists have brought to light the fact that the chemical rays of the Sun when analysed through various coloured glasses are of powerful use in the healing of skin and other diseases.
However remarkable this may be to ordinary minds, it is to astrologers only the working of natural law.
The rays if the Sun when analysed through the spectrum exhibit seven colours and these colours correspond to the seven planets
Red is the colour of Mars, Blue of Venus, Yellow of Mercury, Green of Saturn, Purple of Jupiter Orange of the Sun and Violet of the Moon
Now Red is of use in all inflammatory diseases, smallpox, lupus and all inflammatory skin disease and the patient should be placed in a room where everything is coloured red and all rays of light passing into he room should be red.
Blue is an especially soothing influence. Brain workers (intellectuals) will find their work easier when working in a room with blue hangings or working at night with a blue light. It is a splendid remedy for insanity and even the most violent manics will succumb to the soothing influence if the padded room were radiated with blue. It is also a good colour for weak eyes.
Green is efficacious for inflamed eyes, while orange will sharpen the appetite, yellow will act as a remedy for bowel troubles.
Test of this have been made by an Italian Doctor. The effect upon a maniacs and upon a sufferer from melancholy when put in a blue room lighted by blue glass were such that the former so far succumbed in a fortnight to the influence to be free to go whither he might choose. The hypochondriac was put into a room lighted with red glass and on the second day be began to eat his meals with gusto.
There is nothing remarkable in this. It has been shown that herbs under Mars will cure disorders of that planets and it is only the same thing that the colour ruled by Mars should cure diseases ruled by that planet
The same process of sympathy and antipathy can be utilised in this and the science of astrology is alone the key to it all
Even water kept in bottles and subjected to the rays of the sun will gain chemical properties and can be used medicinally. Red being a stimulating colour would probably act as a tonic. Blue as a nerve pallative. Yellow as an opening medicine. Purple for blood and liver disorders.
Students are recommended to put these simple cures to practical use.
*In cases like this you really need the help of a professional. If you would like a consultation by phone or in person with an expert Colour Therapist to determine colours to use with children or in business, love or any aspect of your life, please call Lillian on 0208 349 3299 or visit her site

If you would like to see a Medical Herbalist/Astrologer please visit Jane Ridder-Patrick

If you would simply like to explore the use of colour and correspondence further you may enjoy these sites and articles on Colour/Astrology/Healing.

Pigments Through The Ages
Colour Therapy Healing Website - This has a good store selling cellophanes
Metaphysics of Music and Harmony
Planetary and Elemental Correspondences
Sacred Metaphysical Music
Table of Correspondences
Healing in the Hermetic Tradition